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President Xi Jinaping of China in talks with the Italian Prime Minister to revive the Silk Road
Italy’s Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, welcomed the Chinese President, Xi Jinaping and his wife in Rome at the start of the President’s European tour. The visit to Italy is primarily for the two leaders to discuss the ambitious Belt and Road project which China envisions, involving a huge [...]
A Round-up of Comments and Views following the defeat of Theresa May in the Commons
The second huge defeat for the Prime Minister’s last-minute deal has unsurprisingly attracted comment and criticism from all quarters. The Confederation of British Industry’s (CBI) director-general Carolyn Fairbairn said: “Enough is enough. This must be the last day of failed politics. A new approach is needed by [...]
The Progress of The Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19
The Public Bill, The Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19 has reached the committee stage in parliament. It is currently being scrutinised by a Public Bill Committee jointly chaired by Sir David Amess (Conservative) and Graham Stringer (Labour) who both sit on the Panel of [...]