Holiday Compensation Calculation

There are many different types of personal injury that can occur during the course of a holiday or working visit abroad.  Whether you have had a road accident abroad, a cruise ship slip, a skiing accident, or for example suffered from food poisoning whilst staying at a hotel, the same legal course of action is followed for personal injury  If you feel that you have suffered an injury and would like to start a claim today with Legal Law Limited, our expert  personal injury lawyers are here for you.

The Legal Law Limited compensation calculator chart below will provide a rough estimate as to how much your claim may be worth.  We feel it is important for clients to have an estimated value of their claim before they decide if they want to pursue compensation.

The degree of suffering arising from your injury, including pain, recovery time, loss of income and any financial impact are all taken into account. You can expect to be compensated for your injuries and to recoup your financial losses, in the case of serious life-changing injuries the courts aim to put you as close as possible to the position you would have been in prior to the injury. Our chart will give you an estimated value for the most common types of injuries.

Contact us for a free consultation where we can discuss your personal circumstances and offer you a more accurate estimate based on your individual case.

The below compensation chart should act as a guide only, please contact us for a more detailed quote. (All values are in EUROs ).